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Need an answer now? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions:


How do I purchase an item?
Once you see something you want to buy, add it to your cart. The checkout process is simple. When you are ready to purchase all the items in your cart, you will be prompted to log in, or you can check out as a guest. After you answer all the required fields, you can submit your payment. For your convenience, only one payment is necessary, even if your items are from different shops.
How do I contact the seller?
Each seller's shop page has a contact button below their shop name.
What if I need to return an item?
Shipping and return policies are listed at the bottom of the seller's shop page. Please contact the seller if you need further clarification.
Which payment methods are accepted?
Currently, buyers in the USA can use Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover, and Diners Club. Buyers in Australia, Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore can use Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
Is my payment secure?
Of course! SellerDoor guarantees your payment is secure. We process our payments through Stripe, and do not store any of your credit card information.
What if I contacted the seller but they haven't responded?
If it's been less than one week, contact them again. We require the seller to respond to buyers within a week at the latest. If they fail to do so, contact us. If you did not receive your item and the seller does not respond to you, you can file a dispute with Stripe, or your credit card company so you can get your money back. Let us know if you need any help with that.


Who can sell?
At this time we welcome skateboard companies, brands, and individuals such as skate-related artists and photographers to sell on SellerDoor.
What type of products can I sell?
Currently, we allow the sale of skateboard related products only, such as skateboards, trucks, wheels, shoes, accessories, apparel and skate media (videos, photography, art). When you apply for an account, someone from our team will look into the type of products you sell to make sure they fit our criteria.
What payment methods can I accept?
You can use Stripe to handle online payments.
When do I get paid?
Your earnings from each sale will automatically be transferred to your Stripe account at time of customer purchase.


What is a online marketplace
A marketplace is a collective of e-commerce shops from different brands where the transactions are processed by the "marketplace operator," AKA SellerDoor. It is a convenient way for buyers to browse and shop from different brands, all under one roof, and through one transaction. Sellers can also access the entire community of shoppers, creating a streamlined portal for everyone to support skateboarding.
Which payment methods are accepted?
Sellers can use Stripe to receive payments. Buyers in the USA can pay with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, and Discover. Buyers in Australia, Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore can use Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
How can I make a suggestion or request a feature?
Send us an e-mail in the form to the right.
What if I forgot my account password?
If you forgot your e-mail or password, you can reset your credentials by visiting the login prompt and clicking "forgot your password?" Follow the steps from there.
How long can an item be listed for?
All items can be listed indefinitely, until the item sells or the seller chooses to remove it.
How do returns work?
Return policies vary by shop. Visit the shop or product page and look for the Shipping & Returns section at the bottom. If you need further clarification, please contact the seller.
How can I contact SellerDoor?
Use the e-mail form to the right. We will respond shortly.

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